Proposals/Accompanist Pmts

**If your proposal gets accepted, please come back to this page to pay your accompaniment fee at the bottom of the page by clicking on the dropdown menu and choosing the amount you owe.
Instructions for Performing or Presenting at the 2025 FFA Convention
  • Deadline to submit a proposal is 11:45pm OCTOBER 1ST, 2024.
  • Flute choirs have a separate proposal form.
  • Priority will be given to performers and presenters who did NOT perform or present in the same capacity during the 2024 FFA Convention.
  •  Click on the appropriate proposal form at the bottom of the page and submit. DO NOT SEND IN REGULAR MAIL. 
  • After being accepted to present or perform, ALL PERFORMERS AND PRESENTERS must fill out the Convention Pre-Registration application form located in the CONVENTION menu AND send in the appropriate membership fee on the 2025 MEMBERSHIP application by the deadline of December 1st, 2024. This includes EACH flute choir member from ALL flute choirs.
  • **If you receive an acceptance letter and you are required to pay accompaniment fees, please scroll down to the payment section below to make your payment.**
  • All performers and presenters are responsible for travel, hotel, equipment and financial arrangements for themselves and their personnel. 
  • The allotted time is limited to 45 minutes during a one hour time block. (flute choirs are limited to 20 minutes of total music. Please see separate flute choir proposal form)


Click on the appropriate form for your presentation: 

Regular Proposal Form

Flute Choir Proposal Form


Accompaniment Payments for accepted proposals:

Choose from the dropdown menu, the amount that you were told you must pay for accompanying your presentation.







Last Modified 07/08/23